In the last two months arrived to us the latest update of Nextcloud, being now the latest release the 11.0.1.

Let’s recall that Nextcloud in one of free and open source Internet file synchronization platform, commonly called the Cloud, where it is well know we can access, share, and protect our files, calendars, overall communications and more, at home and enterprise.

As usual, on every major release we have some pretty neat features that come along, we’ll mention some of the most important:

Security improvements

  • Support for the latest security features on web browsers CSP 3.0 and Same-site Cookies.
  • Support for Kerberos authentication and support Two factor authentication providers.
  • Broader protection against brute force attacks for every access point of the API.
  • A more secure Federation by using SSL/TLS
  • The new app store automatically check for apps and their signature.

Improvements on Scalability and Performance

  • Reduces the load on the database by an 80%, speed up the small file transfer up to 60%.
  • Improvements on the managing of previews, including the elimination of duplicates for each user.
  • Faster start up of Collabora Online.
  • Faster load of big size folders
  • Complete text index based on Apache Solr using the Nextant app.
  • The experimental Spreed app integrates video calls
  • Several minor changes like the option  ‘Move files’ on menu, slider for image preview  and more.

On this 11.0.1 Nextcloud release we’d like to point out the complete text search feature based on Apache Solr because of its great power, the index will search for any text document (rtf, pdf, jpg and tiff, html, LibreOffice y Microsoft Office files), this feature comes handy as a tool that allows the localization of forgotten files, or those who are lost on GiBs of data lost somewhere.

These improvements meant a better performance and stability  allowing more productivity, less time searching and a effective digital communication among coworkers, colleges and clients.

Lastly here we can see the presentation of some of the improvements on this release: