The past month of May we had the release of Nextcloud 12, which represents an important improvement on the use of Distribution and Synchronization Information across the Internet.

This new release of Nextcloud integrates functional changes and esthetic ones, along with a list of new features from which this are highlighted:

  • Instant notifications
  • Exclude directories
  • Guess app
  • Quota warnings
  • Impersonate app
  • Backup
  • Control over BruteForce attack rules
  • Limit use
  • New authentication methods

These new features have been a great step on the overall workflow and performance, nevertheless this new features had a slow integration with running instances, exposing different issues during upgrades and migrations.

Luckily after almost 2 months, most of this issues has been solved, and our migrations tests show no more issues.

For this reason we are on the way to refine our upgrade process and in short we’ll make available this upgrade for clients that wish to get there features,

We’ll like to congratulate the Nextcloud team for this achievement and all the different teams and developers that support different parts of the project.

Welcome Nextcloud 12