Collective Automated Deployment (CAD)

Starting a new office or computing salon and you require a considerable amount of PCs ready on a short time?

Introducing our Collective Automated Deployment (CAD) of

With this service we deploy operative systems on a large volume allowing to setup all the PCs in an office or computing room, to be ready to use in a fraction of the time it would take doing the installation one PC at a time.

Being single independent PCs or light terminals we can deploy any option that fits better your needs and resources.

We do this through the Local Area Network (LAN) existing in the building, allowing us to reach all pieces of equipment simultaneously and deploy its computing efficiently.


red-lan-w-wlsDon’t count with a Local Area Network installed?

No problem at all, we can offer you a network installation service, check our installation options and gladly we will help you choose the best one.

Do you need specific programs or applications?

Contact us and we will deploy the system that best suits your needs to get started with your daily production work once we finished with the CAD.

Remember that all your information is protected by the General Law of Data Protection.

Please visit our Privacy Notice.