New announcement from our quick-jibri-installer project which has reached its version 7.1 bringing several improvements and fixes that we will talk about in this regard.

We will start by saying that the release of QJI v7.1 had been delayed by the increasing activity in other projects, this prevented its release at the moment, on the other hand it allowed us to give a test window before its official release.

What are the main changes?,

Support of systems based on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

The release of Ubuntu 22.04 last year brought with it a series of important changes in repository management, security key management, and support for other compression formats in packages, making the main purpose of this release the compatibility with 22.04-based systems now a reality.

So the installer needed adjustments in most of its components to

  • manage variables
  • add keys from gpg repository
  • handle gpg keys from external repositories
  • support of multiple versions of the same package
  • remove obsolete code

among other changes

GPG key fix

One of the security components is the expiration of security keys or tokens, since it requires an active review of protocols, vulnerabilities and updates, so that if there is a failure, it does not propagate in perpetuity, so that its expiration and renewal plays an important role.

Since the original QJI release in 2018 we have established the components and repositories that are part of how our installer works, and this has been the perfect opportunity to update the use of expired keys and comply with the new storage standards that Jammy (22.04) requires.

This allowed updating the key used from external repositories as well as its management of which we can mention,

  • Jitsi Team
  • Prosody
  • InfluxDATA
  • Grafana

Forge release (updated)

With the above, we want to thank the trust of clients of installation, maintenance or migration services, which allow us to keep the development of Quick Jibri Installer active.

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