Beginning this week we have been notified that within the recent changes as a form of payment, our bank has terminated the agreement with the chain of Oxxo stores in the Mexican Republic. This means that for payments starting on May 15, 2019 and onwards you will not be able to Receive payments directly to this popular chain of stores.

However, we still have the support of different correspondents,

7-ElevenFarmacias Guadalajara
Farmacias del AhorroChedraui
GasmartTelecomm Telégrafos
La ComerTiendas Extra
Del SolWoolworth
Likewise we remind you that we have electronic payments through bank transfers, Paypal or with the use of debit or credit card.

As you can see even though we no longer have a correspondent like the Oxxo franchise there is still a wide range of options to make your payments, we apologize for the inconvenience that this could cause.

If you require advice on the different forms of payment do not hesitate to contact us and we will address your situation in particular.

We appreciate your understanding and we remain at your service.