Web site hosting is a task that in the late years has been actualized by a broad range of suppliers offering products and services to accomplish this task.

Nevertheless with email the challenge is bigger since email is a federated system multi-platform, multi-protocol and with change of security issues that can be punished along with security breaches.

Setting up a email server is not the challenge, it’s complexity resides on the management and conforming to the different regulations, this adding the unilateral policies for big service providers like Microsoft (Hotmail, Live & Outlook), Yahoo! and Gmail can become a challenge for independent companies like Software, IT & Networks Ltd.

We work our business following closely the policies and regulations for email and keeping the reputation of our servers so we can provide an efficient and reliable service for email.

Recently we have included the support from a big service provider on email delivery, SendGrid, which is now available to our medium and high tier plans, on which we reaffirm our commitment on providing the email delivery service to our customers.Thus, we appreciate your preference and we keep working towards offering a better service everyday.